Oh penatnya!

Damn, I've been so busy hari neh! Busy keeee kau tu ted? Busy dengan benda-benda merepek meraban macam buat majalah sekolah laa itu laa ini laaa. Selain tu busy ber dot dot dot. But knowing me, you alls akan tahu yang I memang tak suke lepak melepak membuang masa lama-lama. I suka dok mengadap komputer, pastu online la sampai lemau. Sambil online, i sukeeeee sangatt buat kerja. Boleh camtu?

Anyways, I ada projek besar neh. Tapi projek neh memang tak boleh nak cakap dengan orang lain. The only person I bagitau adalah Ina Ahmad, because I trust her! Deep inside me, I sedih sangat sebab Ina dah nak pindah! Dia dapat pindah ke Terengganu. Suke sangat dia sebab dapat pindah. I pulak, tak dapat pindah hari tu. I nak pindah kerja di KL, tapi tak dapat. So I macam redha sahaja. Tapi tengok la camne, I ada plan =).

Neways malam neh saya ade satu lagi dinner untuk Kelab Bilik Guru. I don't know what to wear. I kan orang kampung jewww! So tak tahu la nak pakai ape. Emmm saya sebenarnya tak sabar nak cuti cuti malaysia neh! Ye lah cuti 2 bulan tuu! Malam ni jugak, rasanya akan sedih gile laa bile geng-geng yang dapat pindah mula bagi ucapan. Uwaaaaaaa rasa nak nanges ooww! Especially my boss tu. Aduhhhhhhhhhhh sayu hati neh nak tinggalkan boss =) (or boss tinggalkan me !)

Apa pun I wish them all the best of luck! =)

Form 5 Dinner.

Hari ni I pergi dinner untuk Form 5. A farewell dinner I guess. Orang jemput pergi je la.. Walaupun macam tak berapa ada mood jugak kan. Tak tahu nak pakai apa lah. Nak gerandddddddd sangat pun cannot! Nak selekeh, might as well tak pergi.

But I went anyway, dengan pakaian yang begitu, biasa saja rasanya... But the food and scene was amazing! Sedap gile! Fuhhhh, puas hati uals! So ape lagi, sila la datang ke Lotus Desaru, Desaru, Johor!

Hotel ni just re-opened, so I'm sure they wanted to make a good impression =)
Esok I ada satu lagi dinner untuk another club. So, yeah. Kita tengok esok, samada Sebana Resort pun sama sedap =)

Bye, I love you!

i love my digi broadband. Huhu.

I rasa, it's been a while since I last kesah kecoh pasal broadband neh. Maybe sebab I ada wifi kat ofis, so I couldn't be bothered less. I pun bukan jenis merayap ke sana ke sini kan. So pedulik hapa. But lately I baca lots of blogs and peoples opinion. Ada yang kata Celcom bagus, ada yang kata Maxis bagus. But really, siapa yang menang di sini? Kita atau there broadband service providers.

Yes, at one point I rasa macam kita menang, sebab dwang compete with each other, but at some point pulak, I rasa kita ni dah ramai kena tipu, especially with the word UNLIMITED tu. Bunyik unlimited tu memang sedap, tapi common mistake that people did was, kita ni, jenis tak baca terms&condition. Bila sampai bill, nak mengamuk kat customer service. Kesian la those CSO, dwang plak kena marah-marah, just because kesilapan kita yang tak faham tentang konsep sesuatu perkhidmatan.

Hadiah buffday.

Hey lovely people! U just got back from a 4 day course di Melaka. Memang best kursus ni. Sebab apa? Sebab I don't do shit! Haha, seriously. I'm a filler, so I pergi pun sebab gantikan tempat orang lain. The course had nothing to do with me what so ever la kan. So memang best lah, tido, makan, attend the course whilst I facebook-ed haha. Gile la!
Anyways, bosan tadi, and we stopped somewhere and I decided to buy me something for my overdue birthday.

Dah berbelas hari, baru tergerak hati nak beli hadiah untuk myself. I asked myself before, what would I want for my 28th birthday? And my guys told me to want good health of my parents, my sisters and my students. And I am done, but seeing Fakhrul using the Nokia E71, memang terdetik la nak beli, cuma masa tu just terfikir jer. I thought of a trade in. Seriously, Sony Ericsson SUCKS big time! But I'm ok lagi, cuma lately I bengang sebab line internet I slow gile! I wonder if its because of the phone.

So anyways, tengok je kat kedai HP, ada model tu, I terus nak beli. Tapi I beli Nokia E63 sebab I tak perlukan 3g phone. I'm using Digi Internet Unlimited (I'll blog about this later), and E63 is within my budget. Now, this may sound out of hand, but I always, always researched before I do anything. Kali ni tak sempat pulak . So takpe la I fikir kalau I tak beli masa tu, memang I tak beli dah. I ni jenis spur of the moment kinda person ok! So beli la masa tu. Naseb ada cash, malas nak swipe dan pi ATM.

So masa balik ke Johor tu ah, I godek serba-serbi. Masa tu nak cepat sebab bas dah tunggu, naseb la Mas temankan I *love u girl! Then I said to myself, this phone better not be faulty! Coz I beli somewhere kat Ayer Keroh I think. Haha. Gile aku neh. So I request settings and shit. To my suprise, it works wonderfully with my internet lines. Ok 'works wonderfully' might be an understatement ok! IT WAS GREAT! Laju gile ok! Sampai ke ulu ni pun laju. Fuhhh I rasa puas hati sangat-sangat! Tak tahu nak cakap apew! Puas hati.

Dah lah I tak boleh takde internet neh! Internet is a must for me! That's the way I communicate with my friends and family. Lagipun semua orang ada muse memasing kan! Ada ske makan, ada ske anak ikan... I skeee facebook! and the ability to interact with other people! Takde la macam katak bawah tempurung kaedahnye kan!

Oh anyways, happy buffday to me! =)

Dah tengok 2012! Yahooo!!!

My my. How are you people! I rasa mesti dah ramai tengok 2012 right? It's a great movie.! Semalam was really fun. I pergi Melaka Mall with Mas, Ajid, Waim, Fakhrul, Najwa (ex-gf Fakhrul), Irma and Pa, her BF. So anyways it was a fun outing.
Pergi beli ticket kat Melaka Mall, and its fully booked! Cuma ada pukul 12.45 and we decided to go and watch it anyways! Gile, dah datang, tak nak pulak tengok wayang. Ingatkan nak tengok Pisau Cukur, but it was sold out juga.

So we bought the tickets and went blowling! It was great. Mas menang (arghhh!) and Irma kalah teruk (booo loser!). It was fun. Then pergi lepak mamak, I met someone I pernah ada skandal dulu. Dia ok, dengan orang baru.. Pelik laa sebab terjumpa kan! Ishh ishhh.. Anyways bebudak neh maki I sebab Muka I berubah gilee! Haha, what the hell should I do? Mesti lah I terkejut kan! This is the person yang kita bersama-sama dulu. Of course lah I akan rasa terkejut, sedih. And to look kat partner dia, urghhhhhhhhh rasa nak penumbuk je tau!

Ok anyways, enough about that person. Dia dah takde dalam hidup I. =)

Lets talk about 2012. If you've seen Independence Day, Titanic, or any recent vintage of the well-worn disaster film genre, you will not be disappointed at all with any of 2012. Its 2.5 hour+ running time moves at a great clip, and there's enough science and pseudoscience running around to give the film a certain of-the-moment wonder and clarity. The many destruction sequences throughout the film are absolutely breathtaking to behold, and one wonders if Roland Emmerich starts every film imagining how he will destroy the White House.

Like all of his other films (except for The Patriot) it has big names but no huge names and really is a blast to watch. It has just the right balance of action and melodrama, often, as with all good films of this genre, in the same scene. The audience I watched it with was laughing and cheering throughout, and I'm sure it will be the definitive event movie of the holiday season, critics be damned.

Loved it! Oh did I tell you that 20 minutes before the movie ends, PAWAGAM TU TETIBA STUCK!!!! Haha. Gle gle!

Amiq Luqman opens for Amir Luqman

I always adore Amir Luqman, and I am saying this true from my heart. He does not know me, but I guess, in few months, God Willing, we might bump into each other in mamak stall somewhere, haha, no idea. But my point is, he is gifted, and I love his creations.

I love seeing him at the Malaysia International Fashion Week 2009. It's his second time there. Apa yang best kali ni, he opens his collection himself. And when I say open, I mean, he stormed the runway, first, before his other models. How super cool is that!?

Tak percaya! Look at this!

Summerset Endau Rompin.

Me and Jambu.

I just got back from Summerset Endau Rompin for a 3 days program. Loved it there. Hotel, biasa but the activity was good. And it changed my perception of some people (and students).

I'm in group 4. So layan je lah. And Jambu is the leader for the group. It's nice to see him getting out of his shell. Boring la tengok dia dengan the same group of friends. And I am glad that he took my advise to lepak dengan adik-adik form 1 and 2. Be a good example.

Lalala. And I am off to Melaka tomorrow,for another 3 days course. Phewwwwwwww!

Muzik-Muzik Separuh Akhir 1

I've been so busy, tak sempat nak buat review MM separuh akhir 1. OK I have to admit that I dah lama betul tak tengok MM. Seriously dah lama gile, like 6 months or so. Call me orthodox, buat I have my own thing to do la kan? but luckily I sempat tengok MM separuh akhir 1 nih.

Ekceli I was bit suprised that TV3 changed their concept this year. I thought it was BRILLIANT. Why waste time nak tunggu satu kategori setiap minggu, if you can mixed it up? Lagi bagus right? Bosan la nak tunggu setiap minggu, the same genre of music *pissed off.

Anyways, ini adalah senarai lagi bertanding last week, penyanyi, pencipta dan penulis lirik.
Kau Aku/AizatAizat/Aizat
Dia, Aku Dan Kamu/ Nadia & Red Peanut/Eddie Hamid/Ahmad Fedtri/Yahya
Oh Anok Anok/Reshmonu/Reshmonu/Farasha Osman
Tak Mungkin Kerna Sayang/Alyah/Ajai/Habsah Hassan
Aku Scandal/Hujan/Noh/Noh
Enjut/Noraniza Idris/Cat Farish, Roxy Tail & Illegal/ Ahmad fedtri Yahya, Cat Farish & Roxy Tail
Gila/Mila.Audi Mok/Nur Fatima
Dan Sebenarnya/Yuna/Yuna/Yuna
Raja Gelek/One Nation Emcees.Damien Mikhail.Daminal Mikhail, One Nation Emcees
Bertamu Di Kalbu/Jaclyn Victor/Anjang/Anjang

I was bit suprised that Yuna tak dapat. Uwaaa!!!

I so love her. TedWrites love Yuna!

Selepas sesi pertama separuh akhir Muzik-Muzik yang berlangsung di Sri Pentas 2, Plaza Alam Sentral, Shah Alam itu, lima lagu yang tersenarai di atas adalah lagu-lagu yang mendapat markah tertinggi.

Mereka berjaya mengatasi saingan lain iaitu:

Mirage (Pesawat)
Dia, Aku dan Kamu (Nadia & Red Peanut)
Oh Anok Anok (Reshmonu)
Enjut (Noraniza Idris)
Gila (Mila)
Bertamu Di Kalbu (Jaclyn Victor)

Namun itu tidak bermakna lima lagu tersebut akan ke Anugerah Juara Lagu. Mereka masih perlu bersaing dengan 19 finalis lain yang akan beraksi pada 13 dan 20 November ini.

Hanya 14 lagu yang akan layak ke Anugerah Juara Lagu dan keputusannya akan diumumkan selepas sesi ketiga separuh akhir Muzik-Muzik pada 20 November.

Pemilihan dibuat berdasarkan pemarkahan oleh juri profesional berdasarkan persembahan pada malam pertandingan dicampur markah penilaian lagu yang dibuat sebelum persembahan.

Persembahan pada malam ini di adili oleh panel juri yang terdiri daripada Azlan Abu Hassan, Helen Yap, Mohariz Yaakup dan Azhar Borhan.

Info from here.

Pix of Yuna from here.

Pisau Cukur, dua gadis bermisi.

Pisau Cukur! Pisau Cukur! Pisau Cukur!

Everyone is talking about this sweet yet gigantic movie!

Apa yang akan terjadi bila mangsa dan pemburu sama-sama terperangkap di atas kapal percutian mewah? Dua orang gadis pisau cukur, Bella dan Intan, bertembung dengan tiga orang Datuk, tiga orang isteri Datuk, dua orang anak Datuk, seorang detektif dan seorang peminat setia Bella. Siapakah yang memburu dan siapa pula diburu? Dalam pelayaran yang penuh kejutan dan kelucuan, apa pun boleh terjadi!

LipstickGossip loves the movie! It’s refreshing. Saya suka sangat, walaupun tidak dilakukan dalam cruise ship yang sebenar, it’s still look real. Itu yang mahal tu ya?. Saya suka dialog Fazura yang sentiasa mencetuskan designer label dari bibir mulusnya! Loved it!

Ceritanya simple tapi sangat menyenangkan. Seolah menikmati kek di waktu petang. Syabas Rafidah, si penulis skrip!

Temui "PISAU CUKUR" di pawagam 2009.

Classification: U
Genre: Comedy / Romance
General Release Date: 05 Nov 2009
Running Time: 1 Hour 41 Minutes,
Distributor: Grand Brilliance
Cast: Aaron Aziz, Eizlan Yusof, Maya Karin, Nur Fazura, Redza Minhat
Director: Bernard Chauly

Review lain, klik sini dan sini.