Dah tengok 2012! Yahooo!!!

My my. How are you people! I rasa mesti dah ramai tengok 2012 right? It's a great movie.! Semalam was really fun. I pergi Melaka Mall with Mas, Ajid, Waim, Fakhrul, Najwa (ex-gf Fakhrul), Irma and Pa, her BF. So anyways it was a fun outing.
Pergi beli ticket kat Melaka Mall, and its fully booked! Cuma ada pukul 12.45 and we decided to go and watch it anyways! Gile, dah datang, tak nak pulak tengok wayang. Ingatkan nak tengok Pisau Cukur, but it was sold out juga.

So we bought the tickets and went blowling! It was great. Mas menang (arghhh!) and Irma kalah teruk (booo loser!). It was fun. Then pergi lepak mamak, I met someone I pernah ada skandal dulu. Dia ok, dengan orang baru.. Pelik laa sebab terjumpa kan! Ishh ishhh.. Anyways bebudak neh maki I sebab Muka I berubah gilee! Haha, what the hell should I do? Mesti lah I terkejut kan! This is the person yang kita bersama-sama dulu. Of course lah I akan rasa terkejut, sedih. And to look kat partner dia, urghhhhhhhhh rasa nak penumbuk je tau!

Ok anyways, enough about that person. Dia dah takde dalam hidup I. =)

Lets talk about 2012. If you've seen Independence Day, Titanic, or any recent vintage of the well-worn disaster film genre, you will not be disappointed at all with any of 2012. Its 2.5 hour+ running time moves at a great clip, and there's enough science and pseudoscience running around to give the film a certain of-the-moment wonder and clarity. The many destruction sequences throughout the film are absolutely breathtaking to behold, and one wonders if Roland Emmerich starts every film imagining how he will destroy the White House.

Like all of his other films (except for The Patriot) it has big names but no huge names and really is a blast to watch. It has just the right balance of action and melodrama, often, as with all good films of this genre, in the same scene. The audience I watched it with was laughing and cheering throughout, and I'm sure it will be the definitive event movie of the holiday season, critics be damned.

Loved it! Oh did I tell you that 20 minutes before the movie ends, PAWAGAM TU TETIBA STUCK!!!! Haha. Gle gle!


kay said...

Nak tengok...huhuhu....

Minggu dpn pi Kontan lah!!!

kay said...

Nak tengok...huhuhu....

Minggu dpn pi Kontan lah!!!

Ted Writes said...

wah merasa maaa ke kuantan piuler katanya! kursus ke ma?